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“Noble conduct can conquer even an enemy.”
Chanakya (350 BC-275 BC) Indian philosopher and political figure

Together against emissions

Improving workers’ working conditions

Securing funding for your own business

Sustainable fashion: the solution for the fashion sector

Кампания "Насърчаване използването на енергия от възобновяеми източници и подобряване на енергийната ефективност“

The future of renewable energy

Support and provide supplementary health insurance in the corporate sector

Financial responsibility: prevention against over-indebtedness

Mediation between the public and private sectors

Government efficiency: easier access to administration

Raising skills in education

Because education matters

Breathe Free: For Healthy Living Without Smoking

Wine: a source of health and joy

Responsible Gambling and Gambling Entertainment

Beer for health: consume responsibly!

Healthy lifestyle: myth or reality

Culinary or fast food: Which do you choose?!

Helping those in need

In support of traffic restrictions

Electric cars today: the future of mobility

Ridesharing: the prevention against trafficking

Citizen activism

Young talents in sport

Sport in the corporate sector

Sport – prevention for mental health

A worthy future for cultural heritage

In the name of national identity: the mission of geographical indications

To preserve folklore traditions

Bulgarian embroidery

Relaxation for young and old: affordable spas and entertainment

New EDEN destinations

Oasis of Entertainment

Turnout: the challenge for young people

Because opinion determines change

Laughter is medicine


Psychology against stress

New Horizons for Alternative Medicine

Phytotherapy as a solution

Wildlife: Until when?

We stand behind Bulgarian

Support the Quality of Life Association

Support our work to improve the quality of life for all.

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